-Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind-
(Dr Seuss quotes -American Writer & Cartoonist, 1904 - 1991)

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Who says cows are not smart.. ?

Last weekend, while driving pass Jaya Jusco on a heavy rainy day, guess what we saw?

A herd of cows taking shelter under a sheltered pedestrian walkway. This is really funny! Imagine all of them standing, really close to each other, probably to stay warm. But they had to move you see, so when they moved, they ended bumping each others backside. I think eventually one of them got fed up and got out from the walkway and stood under the rain. Really a funny sight!

Even cows are smart to know not to get wet and to take shelter from the pouring rain except for that one impatient fellow!


  1. That one impatient fella think it's fun to play in the rain ler! lol... so funny :D

  2. haha.. funny thing.. that fellow just stood still under the rain. mandi kerbau...
